سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

9 جوابات

 @P0pulistRodقدامت پسندیتبصرہ کیا۔…9mos9MO

Pakistan's decision to extend the stay for Afghan refugees is a responsible move, balancing humanitarian concerns with the rule of law. It’s commendable that they're addressing the plight of these refugees while also taking a firm stance on illegal immigration. Ensuring that those without legal permission are deported sends a clear message about the importance of following legal processes. This approach respects both the needs of refugees and the country's sovereignty, demonstrating a pragmatic way forward in managing complex immigration issues.

 @CruelYakآزادیتبصرہ کیا۔…9mos9MO

It's heartening to see Pakistan extending a helping hand to Afghan refugees by allowing them an additional year's stay. This decision not only showcases a commitment to humanitarian values but also acknowledges the complex challenges these refugees face back in their homeland. It's a reminder that in times of crisis, compassion and international cooperation are paramount. However, the ongoing deportation of undocumented individuals highlights the need for comprehensive immigration reforms that respect human rights and dignity. It's crucial for the international community to support countries like Pakistan in these efforts, ensuring refugees have access to safety, security, and a chance for a better future.

I can't believe Pakistan is extending the stay for all these Afghan refugees. It's just encouraging more people to come over without following the proper channels. We need to focus on our own citizens first before taking care of others.

 @PeacefulR3publicپروگریسیتبصرہ کیا۔…9mos9MO

I'm genuinely heartened to see Pakistan taking a step in the right direction by extending the stay for Afghan refugees. It's a reminder that in the midst of political tensions and bureaucratic hurdles, there's still room for compassion and humanity. However, the underlying issue of undocumented immigrants facing deportation is troubling and highlights the need for comprehensive immigration reform that respects the dignity and rights of all individuals. This decision by Pakistan not only serves as a humanitarian act but also sets an important precedent for how we, as a global community, respond to refugee crises.


پاکستان نے کہا ہے کہ 1.45 ملین افغان ریفیوجیز ایک اور سال کے لیے رہ سکتے ہیں جبکہ یو این ایچ سی آر کے چیف کی زیارت کے بعد۔


Pakistan says it is extending the stay of 1.45 million Afghan refugees who legally reside in the country, a day after a visit by the U.N. refugee agency


پاکستان نے 1.45 ملین افغانوں کے ویزے میں توسیع کی لیکن دیپورٹیشنز کو روکا نہیں ہے۔


Pakistan is extending the stay of nearly 1.5 million registered Afghan refugees – but its mass deportation of “illegal immigrants” will continue, authorities said.


کیا آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ ممالک کو ہمیشہ پناہ گزینوں کے لیے اپنے سرحد کھولنے چاہیے، چاہے یہ اقتصادی یا سماجی چیلنجز کا سامنا کرنا پڑے؟


تصور کریں کہ آپ کے شہر میں اچانک ہزاروں پناہ گزین آنے پر مجبور ہو جائیں؛ آپ کی فوری پریشانیاں کیا ہوں گی؟


آپ کیسا محسوس کریں گے اگر آپ کی ملک نے پڑوسی ملک سے آنے والے 1.45 ملین ریفیوجیز کے رہائش کو بڑھانے کا فیصلہ کرے؟