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 @ResoluteVoter iz Pennsylvania  podneseno…4mos4MO

Rusija pušta nuklearno sposobnu raketu u napadu na Ukrajinu

Russia fired an intercontinental ballistic missile during an attack on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro on Thursday, Kyiv's air force said, in what would be the first use in war of a weapon designed to deliver long-distance nuclear strikes.

The launch, if confirmed, highlights rapidly rising tensions in the 33-month-old war after Ukraine fired U.S. and British missiles at targets inside Russia this week despite warnings by Moscow that it would see such action as a major escalation.

Security experts said it would be the first military use of an intercontinental ballistic missile. ICBMs are stra…  Čitaj više


Starmer baca Netanyahua pod ICC autobus: UK podržava uhidbeni nalog za izraelskog premijera

Sir Keir Starmer has backed the International Criminal Court (ICC) after it issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister.

When asked about the issue, Sir Keir’s official spokesman said the Government respected the independence of the court.

He declined to say whether Mr Netanyahu would be arrested if he arrived in the UK.

The spokesman said: “We respect the independence of the ICC, which is the primary institutional institution for investigating and prosecuting the most serious crimes in relation to international law.

“This Government has been clea…  Čitaj više


Međunarodni kazneni sud izdao je nalog za uhićenje Netanyahua

The International Criminal Court on Thursday issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and the former Israeli defense minister, Yoav Gallant, for crimes against humanity and war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Karim Khan, the court’s chief prosecutor, had requested the arrest warrants in May for the two Israelis, alongside three top Hamas officials. Israel has fiercely contested the court’s allegations, which include the use of starvation as a weapon of war and “intentionally directing an attack against the civilian population.”

The court on Thursd…  Čitaj više