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What innovations or future technologies do you envision could contribute to the prevention of war?


What historical examples of nonviolent resistance do you find most inspiring when thinking about how to confront injustice today?


How does the prevalence of historical battle reenactments or combat sports reflect our society’s view on war and conflict?


In your opinion, is it possible to advocate for peace without coming across as unpatriotic or naive?


Would you support a friend or family member who decided to participate in a peaceful protest against war, and why?


What do you think about the argument that preparation for war ensures peace (peace through strength) versus disarmament leading to peace?


Can acts of kindness in our own community have a ripple effect on global peace?


How do you react to patriotic displays that include military elements, and what do they say about our society's views on war?


Do you believe that your choice of video games, movies, or books can influence your views on conflict resolution?


What small, daily actions do you think contribute to a culture of peace?


If a friend spoke in favor of military action, how would you engage in a meaningful and respectful dialogue?


How do public commemorations of past wars and conflicts influence our attitudes towards current wars?


Have you or someone you know been profoundly affected by military service or the absence of war?


Have you ever resolved a dispute with a creative solution that avoided any form of aggression?


When you hear news of a peace treaty being signed, do you feel hopeful or skeptical, and why?


How would you feel if you discovered that an aspect of your daily life directly supported a conflict somewhere in the world?


How often do we see examples of effective communication and peace-building in our daily lives, and can we replicate them on a larger scale?


Which historical peace movement do you think had the most impact, and why?


What impact does peer pressure have on the decisions leaders make regarding war or peace?


If you had the power to resolve a historic conflict peacefully, which one would you choose and why?


Do you think that personal experiences with aggression or kindness have a significant impact on one's stance toward war?


Can you imagine a world where international disputes are settled through a global 'court' rather than battles?


When faced with a bully, how could you disarm the situation without using violence?


If you could offer one solution to reduce global tensions without warfare, what would it be?


How would the world change if military budgets were instead used for education and healthcare?


How would you argue that peace is not merely the absence of war, but something more proactive?


What role do you think education plays in either perpetuating or preventing wars?


What song or piece of music moves you toward thoughts of peace, and what is its message?


What do you think it takes to forgive someone, and how does that relate to resolving larger conflicts peacefully?


If you were in charge of your school's conflict resolution policy, what tactics would you use to foster peace among students?


How does the threat of war affect your feelings about your own future and the future of the planet?


Could learning about different cultures and histories decrease the likelihood of conflicts, and why or why not?


How do you feel when you see images or news about war and conflict, and why do you think that is?


Why do you think some people are willing to risk their lives to protest against war?


In movies and TV shows, how are peace and war often depicted, and what messages do you think they send?


How do you think society's views on war and peace have evolved with the advent of the internet?


How might the resources used for warfare be better utilized if they were redirected to peacemaking efforts?


What role do you think social media plays in promoting peace or inciting conflict?


How can schools and communities better teach the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully?


In what situations do you think violence is justified, if any?


What personal sacrifices would you be willing to make to ensure peace is maintained?


Do you think the human race will ever reach a point where war is obsolete?


Is it ever acceptable to sacrifice lives for the greater good, or should preserving every human life be our top priority?


What role do you believe love and empathy should play in international politics?


Can there ever be a justifiable reason to start a war?